Thursday, July 19, 2012

A Wonderful Day in Chobani Land

I love my lazy days off! I woke up this morning(pretty late...later than I would of liked) and made a pot of coffee. I absolutely love the smell off coffee in the morning....or just the scent of coffee in general.

Coffee is basically the miracle creation from the heavens. The taste is amazing and the aroma is like a siren beckoning you to come take a taste! The scent is also used in fragrance shops when you are testing out smells of perfumes. The coffee bean's release the scents in your nasal passage so you can continue smelling away at the other fragrances without having remaining smells in your nose! How neat is that!?

So this is my breakfast today! A cup of coffee mixed in with a couple lumps of sugar and a table spoon of Vanilla Latte coffee creamer from Coffee Mate(They didn't have my favorite: White Chocolate Caramel Mocha :/) and a Vanilla Chocolate Chunk Chobani Champions(whoa...try saying that 3 times fast!)

Alas this is my last Vanilla Chocolate Chunk Chobani, which saddens me; however, I have lots more flavors in my fridge. So its not quite time to stock up on Chobani just yet.

I absolutely love my coffee cup I found at my local Dollar General store! I was in desperate need of cute coffee cups since I may of only had one or two with an actual design and the rest being this big white ones that came with my dine ware set.

Whats your favorite, quick breakfast craving?
Usually mine is Chobani or oatmeal....or both together with fresh fruit!

~Stay Beautiful!

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