Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Smoothing over Tuesday ;)

Today, since it was my day off, it was a late start. I'm in a love-hate relationship with sleeping in. One hand it keeps me refreshed; however, on the other hand it takes away part of my day. After waking up, around 11:30 a.m., and going with the motions of my normal day: checking emails, Facebook, etc. I did my exercise routine and realized I had totally skipped breakfast!

I'm normally not a heavy breakfast eater and will only eat it on occasion if 1. I'm craving pancakes, or 2. my boyfriend and I are going to IHOP.(Love their red velvet cake pancakes!) I normally just drink a cup of coffee and eat a piece of toast. Though since it was around lunch time,(and I wasn't that hungry) I decided to make a smoothie since they normally quenched my hunger and taste amazing!

I'm a major addict of pinterest(and even have some of my own pins for this blog) I pulled out a great summer flavor from a pinner for the Strawberry Lemonade Smoothie using Lemon Chobani. Plus I had everything that the recipe called for in the fridge, so that was a plus!

Here it is! You can find the actual recipe on the blogger's website(which I'm going to link in because I don't want to steal.)

I followed the recipe pretty closely, except since I don't have a zest grater, I didn't put in the lemon zest and I topped it off with some whipped cream--since I think that's my favorite part of Starbucks/Panera bread coffee's or smoothies.

The taste is a little tart, so if I were to do it again I may add a few more strawberries or some Stevia to the mix. But its not too terribly tart---just depends on your preference if you like sweet or yogurty smoothies.

This is defiantly going to be a summer favorite and would be a cute idea for a kid's play date or party---or even a big kid's play date or party ;)

The weather is finally cooling down here(for now) But it will be back, so until then I'm off finding more thirst quenching recipes to share.

Stay Beautiful!

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