Sunday, July 15, 2012

Slurping down Sunday

Phew! What a weekend! Working Friday through Sunday, dinner/bowling with friends on Saturday night(which I beat Joshua! YES!--NEVER happens!) and odds and ends errands that I had to do all weekend, I was completely wiped out!

I stocked up on Chobani yogurt--looks like a rainbow in my fridge, and got to work on my latest smoothie number to share. I hope you like it, because boy did I!

I call this one, Paradise Kiss because it has very tropical, summery flavors.

  • 1 cup of Vanilla Almond milk
  • 1 container of Pineapple Chobani
  • 1 whole banana
  • 1/2 cup of mango(because I'm sure that's all I cut off of it.)
  • Ice/Top it off with some whipped cream and serve.
I really should get a new camera, because the focus is a bit weird on the picture--makes it look more brown when the real color is really a really light yellow color(like bananas).

Enjoy! Hopefully I get off this smoothie kick soon!

-Stay Beautiful!

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